In the Name of Jesus, we the ___________________________Church bind the strongman that has held the City of Detroit in bondage. We bind the spirits of greed, violence, murder and abortion, suicide, and self-destruction, hatred, war, abuse, malice, anger and rage, division and racism, strife, mental oppression, depression and mind-control, crime, vandalism, stealing, assault, and gang violence. We bind the spirits of lust, sexual immorality, perversion, incest, pornography, prostitution, destruction of marriages and families, divorce, corruption, guilt and condemnation.
We, the _________________________________ Church bind the spirits of fear, lying, false religion, idolatry, witchcraft, anti-Christ, deception, rejection, pride, jealousy and envy, bitterness, rebellion, unforgiveness and hopelessness, slavery, slave mastery, and poverty. We bind the spirits behind organized crime, illegal firearm sales and usage, all black market activity, the illegal drug trade and usage, gambling, corruption, and spirits binding the minds of those who believe not the Gospel. We cancel every demonic assignment and evict every devil from the people in this city. We loose every resident, employee, employer, student and traveler from the devil’s attack. Devil, we cast you and all your wicked spirits out of the city of ________________ and its suburbs in Jesus Name.
We, the ____________________________________ Church command angels to surround and fill this city and suburbs with the heavenly presence of God, His anointing, mercy, power and grace. Father, send forth laborers preaching the Gospel to the poor, healing the brokenhearted, deliverance to the captives, recovering sight to the blind, liberty to them that are bruised, and restoration. Send forth salvation, the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, the light of the glorious gospel, wisdom and truth, love, joy, peace, righteousness, faith, holiness, and the Word of God to multiply. We, at the _______________________________ Church execute judgement in these places, that the righteous shall prevail and be established in authority, and the wicked shall be rooted out. In Jesus Name, Amen.