Once you believe, there is a performance. Have you ever gone to the theater or show of some kind? When the lights go down, everyone is sitting in complete anticipation, waiting for those curtains to be drawn. Suddenly, the performance begins and everything that the attendee was waiting to happen, unfolds right before their eyes!
That’s what happens once you believe. You heighten your expectation to action, and your action positions itself to witness the performance of those things. How so, you might ask?
The moment the ticket was purchased was the confirmation of belief that there would be a performance of what you eventually saw on stage. The Word performs the same way. Once you believe the Word of God, that is your confirmation that you are going to see what you believed.
Why don’t you grab the Word of God today? Ask the Holy Spirit to give you a promise that He wants to perform in your life. Then stand in expectation to see the performance of a lifetime unfold right before your very eyes.